[Speed Door & High-Speed Spiral Door

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Speed Door & High Spiral Door

[Speed Door & High-Speed Spiral Door

Speed Door

High-Speed Spiral Door

    • Exclusive sales agent for German EFAFLEX, monopolizing the domestic and international market for spiral doors.
    • Superior to regular spiral doors, our doors open and close faster, minimizing cold air loss.
    • Specially designed panels for freezing/refrigeration and additional sealing on the sides and bottom maximally prevent cold air loss.
    • As shown in the image, a dual installation can completely seal buffer zones.
    • Can be used as an alternative to conventional thermal doors.
    Company Name : JJCOMPANY|CEO : Kim Jae-joong|Company Registration Number : 135-17-64744
    Address : 212-33, Opo-ro, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea|Tel : +82-31-322-4661|Fax : +82-31-322-4662